What are fireworks

What are Fireworks? 

All Fireworks are classified and defined in Canada as the following: 

F.1 – Consumer Fireworks 

Consumer fireworks are firework articles designed for recreational use by the public. These articles include items such as roman candles, sparklers, fountains, wheels, volcanoes, mines, multi shot cakes and snakes.  

F.2 – Display Fireworks 

Display Fireworks are fireworks designed to be used by certified professionals such as Display Supervisors who are authorized to use these articles.  These include articles such as aerial shells, waterfalls, lances and wheels. 

F.3 – Special Effect Pyrotechnics 

Special effect pyrotechnics are a very technical and specialized type of fireworks, designed to be used by certified professionals such as Pyrotechnicians and Special Effect Pyrotechnicians.  They are often used in live production, film and television as well as sporting events.  These would include items such as gerbs, mines, comets and crossettes. 

Charlie will learn in this course how to purchase, transport, storesell and use F.1 consumer fireworks in Canada. 

Please note that Toy Pistol Caps are not regulated for the sale and use under the Explosives Act and its regulations – so any mention of them within the regulations will not be included in this course. 


