

Who is an “inspector”? 
Inspector means the Chief Inspector of Explosives, an inspector of explosives and a deputy inspector of explosives appointed under section 13, and any other person who is directed by the Minister to inspect an explosive, a restricted component, a vehicle, a licensed factory or a magazine, or to hold an inquiry in connection with any accident caused by an explosive; (inspecteur)  

What if an Inspector arrives at my store? 

Inspector Jurisdiction  

  • Inspectors may enter and inspect any place in which fireworks are being stored, transported, or used; they may open and inspect any room, container or package.  
  • Any fireworks acquired, transported, sold, or stored in contravention of the Act may be seized by an inspector.  
  • Persons present during inspections are obliged to do any of the following if requested: 
  • provide assistance so that the inspectors can carry out their duties, 
  • produce, extract or copy any relevant documents, and 
  • comply with any safety measures as directed by inspectors. 
  • Any person who obstructs an inspector is guilty of an offence under the Act and is liable to a fine of up to $5,000 and/or imprisonment of up to six months. 

Ref: * (sections 13-16 *Explosives Act) 


